Eczema is a common skin condition that about 3 million people in Canada live with and suffer from. I have a few people very close to me who suffer from this condition and it can often be a challenge to keep it under control and prevent flare ups.
November is Eczema Awareness Month and to help raise awareness Aveeno Active Naturals has launched a twitter campaign #AskTheEczemaExpertsย to provide the opportunity to sufferers of this condition to learn tips on managing the condition from eczema expertsย Amanda Cresswell-Melville and Dr. Lyn Guenther.
The Eczema Society Seal of Acceptance was established by the Eczema Society of Canada as part of aย patient empowerment program where moisturizers and cleansers are reviewed to earn recognition as an accepted choice for people with sensitive skin. AVEENOยฎ is proud to carry this seal on a line of specially-formulated #AVEENOEczemaCare products.
Qualifications to earn it include:
- Being free of ingredients known to be irritating for sensitive skin; and
- Undergoing dermatologist formulation review.
Here are some useful tips forย managing eczema:
Check out the followingย #AVEENOEczemaCareย products:
AVEENOยฎ BABYยฎ Eczema Care Body Wash
AVEENOยฎ BABYยฎ Moisturizing Cream
AVEENOยฎ Eczema Care Body Wash
AVEENOยฎ Eczema Care Hand Cream
AVEENOยฎ Eczema Care Moisturizing Cream
Do you suffer from eczema? What do you do to cope?
If you have any questions for the eczema experts feel free to leave a comment below or email me and I will pass your specific question along!
Pssst – if you’re a Canadian reader you can WIN all the above products! Just fill out the Rafflecopter form below and be sure to post a question for the eczema experts to enter!