Another Petite Fashion Challenge is here! This time the challenge was hosted by the ever stylish Elle of Fast Food and Fast Fashion.

This month’s challenge:
…create an outfit that accounts for the various environmental factors that plague us in the summer. I want to know how you dress when it’s 90 degrees outside and 65 degrees inside. Do you utilize peel-able layers? Are you particular about choosing fabric that is light but resistant? Or do you just tack on a blazer over summer clothes?
Toronto has definitely experienced a few heat waves this summer. It can be difficult to dress appropriately for the weather then step into the office where the a/c is blasting!
I love the look of the pencil skirt but it’s been way too hot and sticky for that lately. I try to pick materials that are light weight and comfortable but I also want to remain conservative and appropriate for a work place setting.
(I REALLY wear this at my desk. Seriously.)
Shop a similar look: