I first had the chance to try out THANN skincare products when I visited Ottawa late last year.
After that trip I came home with the Shiso body butter.
Honestly guys, this is my favorite, favorite body butter ever!ย I keep it in the shower and use it right after lightly towel drying.ย It’s so thick but absorbs into the skin so effortlessly and I can’t even describe the smell! It’s not overwhelming at all and it kind of makes your skin just smell so nice – not like you’re wearing a fragrance. It’s kind of a warm scent but not like vanilla (I actually can’t stand anything vanilla scented on my skin – too sweet!) but with that same feeling that vanilla tends to evoke. I apologize for not having a “real” picture of it but I couldn’t help myself and started using it right away so my grubby hands made finger prints all on the lid ๐ย It also lasts all day (ok obviously not on my hands which I wash frequently); my body feels completely moisturized and I’m guaranteed to not have that tight dry itchy feeling when I’m using this body butter.
I’ve also since purchased the Shiso Hair Maskย that MLย raves about.
***All product were purchased by yours truly***
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