Today I am going to talk about my summer hair experience. Last year at this time I cut it to my shoulders, a decision I quickly regretted as I didn’t have that soft, manageable hair that looks good with the short cuts. My hair is coarse, thick and heavy. A year later, my hair has…
Tag: Shu Uemura
Top 5: Orange Lip Trend
A while back I did a post on the orange lip trend for Style Democracy. Check it out below and let me know your thoughts on this trend! ***** Spring is finally here! My favourite way to celebrate is by changing up my lip colour. This year orange lips (yes orange!) is the trend to…
Exclusive Shu Uemura Event At The Bay
I just found out on Friday that there will be an exclusive Shu Uemura event held at The Bay on Queen street on Thursday March 27th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm featuring celebrity makeup artist Gina Brooke! Gina will be in town for a photo shoot so she is also going take some time out…